Duchess Meghan: She likes romantic comedies

Duchess Meghan
She likes romantic comedies

Duchess Meghan talks about her private preferences in a new video clip.

© imago images/PPE

In Duchess Meghan there is apparently a romantic and word acrobat. She shares how much she loves romantic comedies – and “Scrabble.”

First she did an internship at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, later she became known as an actress and then she met a real prince. The life of Duchess Meghan (41) could also be that of a character from a romantic comedy. How fitting that the film genre seems to be one of Prince Harry’s (38) wife’s favorites.

The industry magazine “Variety” has published a video on YouTube, in which Meghan talks about some of her preferences, among other things. Her favorite romantic comedy “of all time” is “Harry and Sally” with Billy Crystal (74) and Meg Ryan (60). However, Duchess Meghan did not reveal whether this might be due to the fact that the film is also about a “Harry”. She is also a fan of all films with Julia Roberts (54): “I just want a good, old-fashioned rom-com.”

Duchess Meghan plays “Wordle” and cooks Bolognese

She only watches a few films or series with her husband Harry. After their children Archie (3) and Lilibet (1) were in bed and they briefly played the letter game “Wordle” or practiced a little French with the language learning offer “Duolingo”, the two therefore “rarely” turn on the television. Like many other couples, they then searched endlessly for what they wanted to watch. At some point, Meghan and Harry are so fed up that they don’t look at anything, she laughs.

At the moment there are some “incredible” series. She cites “The White Lotus” as an example. The first season was recently one of the big winners of the Primetime Emmy Awards. The new episodes will appear at the end of October. Meanwhile, little “Lily” is still too young to watch children’s series, says Meghan. Archie, on the other hand, loves “The Octonauts” and “The Magic School Bus”.

Meghan also talks about some other preferences. She likes to play the classic board game “Scrabble”, and she is also very good at “Jeopardy!” and “I love to cook”. You can conjure up a “really solid Bolognese sauce”.


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