DSDS with Florian Silbereisen: A reckoning – media

DSDS, formerly the show with the special Fiesling image, is on a cuddle course. Not a good idea. Why everything gets worse when they suddenly hand out wings in casting hell.


Marlene Knobloch

A few weeks ago, a tragedy happened on private television. Her name was Melanie. Melanie appeared in the first episode of the new season “Germany seeks the superstar” on. Rarely has one seen hope more painfully shredded in this casting format, which shreds more dreams than the constitutional protection NSU files. And that of all times in this 19th season of DSDS, which painted the motto “Music is King” on the messy image. Just now, when she chose the clean man Florian Silbereisen to the top after the conspiracy guru Xavier Naidoo, the concentration camp relativizer Michael Wendler and the puke Dieter Bohlen, just now, when everyone wants to be nice, the first episode left a feeling of hopelessness and the Disappointment. How could that happen? Where the empathy Neanderthal Dieter Bohlen and his club are missing?

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