DSDS: Dieter Bohlen is back and reveals what it’s really about

Start of the last season
“We lost him” Dieter Bohlen is back and reveals what DSDS is really about

Bohlen is back, but not alone: ​​the “DSDS” jury with Felix Gleixner, Leony, Katja Krasavice and Pietro Lombardi.

© Stefan Gregorowius / RTL

“Deutschland sucht den Superstar” goes into the final round and Dieter Bohlen delivers stably. But the show also keeps irritating with people sitting on sofas.

By Andrea Zschocher

Dieter Bohlen is back. And of course it was not to be expected that RTL or the “DSDS” veteran would really say anything about being kicked out in the last season. But then it was quite amusing to see how many ways you can point out that quota bringer Bohlen is back without mentioning that he was fired. From the single player, who was supposed to portray him as Robinson Crusoe in the Indian Ocean, who found his way back to civilization, to Pietro Lombardis and other “DSDS” participants pointing out that the show would simply not be the same without Dieter Bohlen. The crowning of the whole thing, however, was the claim: “We had lost him”. It’s not as if Bohlen drove to the “Camp David” outlet, got lost there and didn’t find the exit for a season.

It was tough for Dieter Bohlen

Dieter Bohlen himself only allowed himself to be carried away by saying that it was “really hard” to “be out of there”. It is to be hoped that he will pay handsomely for the return of the last hype round “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” and, on top of that, collect all the rights to all the expected one-hit wonders. Because the self-proclaimed pop titan already delivered stable in episode one of the final season. If he was no longer part of the jury last year because of his pithy and often simply inappropriate comments, because that didn’t fit into the more family-friendly RTL concept, this time he pulled off the leather again.

“You have everything we don’t need here,” he commented on the appearance of a lifeguard. Ok, if you beat up “Lotusblume” by the Flippers in such a way that the melody is no longer recognizable, you had little chance of winning the title anyway. But at least the “DSDS” aspirant Dieter Bohlen could thank for something that is otherwise little celebrated: “Thank you Dieter for drawing my attention to the brand (Camp David, d.Red.),” he said and wore something from the rather extensive repertoire of the textile manufacturer, who took some getting used to, to celebrate the day.

Candidate Susanna presented her very own version of “Cheri Cheri Lady”. Dieter Bohlen thought it was great. He would “immediately rewrite the text in sexy, sexy lady,” he let the thirty-year-old know and gave her good advice: “If you keep going like this, you won’t be eliminated so quickly.” Well, that should be the goal anyway, right? On the other hand, Bohlen only let a candidate get ahead because he found her very amusing. The singing was moderately convincing, at first the returnee wanted to suggest a comedy format for the 21-year-old, but then decided on the recall. “If you make me laugh, you’ll always get a yes from me!” he told her. Wait and see how far the self-mockery will take the singer in training.

“Your voice sounds like a cat”

But it didn’t go so well for everyone. “We’ll have to get it over with at some point,” Dieter Bohlen animated shortly before the end of the show for 28-year-old Tarkan, for whom it was already foreseeable that the singing would be rather tight. “Your voice sounds like a cat,” said Bohlen afterwards and found exactly two good points in the performance. The initial kissing sound and the moment the performance was over. Tarkan seemed to have seen a few seasons of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, he was whining, begging and whining for a recall slip to be handed to him. “You make it a little worse with every number,” warned juror Leony.

Menderes Bağcı’s singing hasn’t really improved either. In 17 seasons he tried to convince with his lack of singing skills, but in season 8 it was enough for the recall. Bağcı stated that he owed a lot to the show and had at least managed to get Bohlen’s phone number in the farewell season. “We should have just let him win,” said Dieter Bohlen. He is convinced that the people would have already voted for Menderes to win. At this point it is revealed again that “DSDS” was never about finding the best singers, but people who can offer entertainment.

However, the show itself has little to offer of that. Maybe everyone acts according to the motto “never change a running system”, but the format isn’t really successful either. In addition to the unmotivated song quiz in which a person rapped “California” by Tu Pac rather badly, the overlays on completely randomly selected people sitting on a couch and holding up various smileys are pure irritation. What’s that supposed to mean? And why are they doing this? It neither promotes interaction nor does it have the much-touted added value of watching other people sitting on the sofa while sitting on the sofa.

So it goes on with “DSDS”

For everyone who is interested in the further “DSDS” timetable: After the various casting episodes, in which the wheat is not really separated from the chaff, but rather is sifted out according to entertainment factors, it is first to the “endurance test in Mallorca” and then on Thailand. So you can prepare for various Peter André “Mysterious Girl” memories, in which young people in a tropical environment lightly dressed in the water perform songs. And then, yes, then the live shows start for the last time, at the end of which it will be said for the very last time “Superstar 2023 is”….

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