Drug addict tried for pushing young woman on subway tracks

A crack addict without papers or fixed address, with a dented life course, is tried from Wednesday before the Assizes of Paris for having tried to kill a woman by pushing her on the rails of the metro in 2019. Gare Saint-Lazare, on line 12, Sandra S., a 34-year-old Hungarian, is waiting shortly before 1 p.m. for the metro at the head of the platform when she is thrown onto the tracks by Gertrude Eod as a train is about to enter at the station, according to the elements of the investigation consulted by AFP.

The young woman is saved by a man who reaches out his hand to get her back on the platform immediately and comes out with a few injuries, mainly to her arm and back. The accused Gertrude Eod, a 46-year-old Cameroonian, denies having wanted to kill her: after various fluctuating and incoherent statements, she explains that she wanted to get out of the metro, chased by animals, and was prevented from doing so by the police. victim who stood in his way.

Tried for “use of cocaine”

This version is contradicted by CCTV cameras and Gertrude Eod is dismissed for “attempted voluntary homicide” since the metro arrived at the station four seconds after the fall of Sandra S. She will also be tried for “use of cocaine”: l The defendant admitted having consumed, on the day of the events, a dozen beers and five crack cakes, a smokable, cheap and very addictive derivative of cocaine, the consumption of which has plagued north-eastern Paris for several decades.

Also a daily user of alcohol and the heroin substitution drug Subutex, she also said she heard voices and saw the human bodies around her like snakes. According to the psychiatric expertise carried out, his act must be directly related to an acute, hallucinatory and delusional psychotic state which was taking place at the time of the events, and of toxic origin in particular. Her judgment at the time of the events was impaired but she is considered criminally responsible for her actions.

The trial, scheduled to last until Friday, will also be an opportunity to look back on the life course of Gertrude Eod, convicted 13 times for minor offenses since her arrival in France in pre-adolescence. Raped and abused by her father, she was then taken into the care of child welfare, going from homes to foster families, before living on the streets from the age of 16.

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