Driver sentenced for hiding 157 kg of cannabis in cocoa

His justifications were a little too strong in chocolate. This Monday, a Latvian truck driver was sentenced to two years in prison by the Mulhouse court for having transported 157 kg of resin and herbal cannabis in the middle of his load of 24 tonnes of cocoa beans. The load was discovered at the end of January by customs officers at the Porte d’Alsace rest area in Burnhaupt-le-Bas (Haut-Rhin), report The Latest News from Alsace.

The driver was arrested while traveling between Barcelona and Riga. At the helm, he defended himself by explaining that he did not know that he was transporting illicit goods: “I thought it was professional clothing. In addition to his prison sentence, the driver was fined a customs fine of 515,308 euros.

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