Drive away spiders: the best defense tips & home remedies

Harvesters & Co.
Driving away spiders: the best indoor repellants

Many spiders are drawn to warm and dry indoor spaces in autumn

© CBCK-Christine / Getty Images

When temperatures drop, spiders retreat to their winter quarters. They often seek protection in warm and humid interiors – much to the chagrin of those who are disgusted or even afraid of the crawly animals.

In autumn, harvestmen, house spiders and quivering spiders are particularly drawn to dry living spaces: They hide in narrow cracks, dark corners, behind large furniture or in the basement. But the eight-legged creatures can also be found in damp bathrooms or on the living room walls, because there are many different insects (through open windows) – and serve them as a source of food throughout the winter. However, temporary coexistence is not possible for people who are disgusted by the animals or who are terrified of them. We’ll tell you how to get rid of the spiders.

These repellants are supposed to drive away spiders

Anti-spider spray
This is a biocide that – unlike other insect repellent sprays – is not sprayed on the spiders. Instead, it should be used where the animals prefer to stay or get inside the apartment: in the basement or in the attic, around the windows or on the walls. According to the manufacturer, this spreads Anti-spider spray a special scent that eight-legged friends avoid (up to six weeks).

Fly screens
Even if the name suggests that fly screens should only prevent insects with wings from entering the apartment – the fine meshes make it difficult for spiders to enter the rooms. Especially on Windowsthat are open regularly, but also on Balcony and patio doors Removable mosquito nets (whether transparent or black) can help reduce the number of eight-legged people in your house to overwinter.

There are special ones Ultrasound equipmentthat simply have to be plugged into the socket – the product then sends a signal inaudible to adults, children and pets such as dogs or cats, which is supposed to drive away spiders but not to kill (and also other insects such as mosquitoes, flies and beetles ). According to the manufacturer, the devices cover a total area of ​​80 to a maximum of 120 square meters.

Alternative: The best home remedies for spiders

There are a variety of common home remedies that are designed to drive away spiders:

  • lavender is known to have a deterrent effect on clothes moths. In fact, the scent should also drive away spiders – in the form of small ones Scented sachetsthat are hung on window or door frames. Or you can take five drops Lavender oil, mix it with water and apply it like an anti-spider spray.
  • tobacco is also a tried and tested repellent against spiders, albeit one that takes getting used to: add loose tobacco (a tablespoon is enough) to 500 milliliters of water, boil the mixture for a few minutes and let it steep for a moment. Then sieve off the tobacco and distribute the solution to the spiders’ favorite spots.
  • vinegar is in many ways a universal repellent against all kinds of pests and insects, but also spiders: Dilute the essence with a little water and pour the solution into an ordinary one spray bottle. Then distribute the contents in the apartment in all dark corners and cracks where you suspect spiders.
  • Essential oils are also said to have a deterrent effect on spiders. They’re in lemons and oranges: cut the fruit into slices and place them where the animals prefer to hide. As the scent wears off after a short time, you can also use it as an alternative eucalyptus– and Peppermint oil drizzle on a handkerchief.
  • Chestnuts have high season in autumn – and can drive away spiders. Gather a few and open them lightly with a hammer to allow the scent to flow inside and keep the animals away. Here, too, the chestnuts dry up over time, so they have to be replaced regularly.

And another tip: If you clean your apartment regularly, you can prevent spiders. Because: If you deprive many insects of their livelihoods, the eight-legged animals are missing an important source of food.

Tip: This is why you should keep spiders alive

If you are not one of those people who is disgusted or afraid of spiders, you can leave the animals in the apartment. Because the fact is that the eight-legged creatures are quite useful: apart from the fact that their nets catch annoying insects such as mosquitoes and flies, the house spiders in Germany are harmless. In addition, their presence is a positive sign that your interior is neither too dry nor too humid.

If you still don’t want to have spiders in the household, you can catch the animals alive and bring them outside – provided you are not afraid of it. All you need is a glass and a piece of paper. Alternatively, there are also special ones Insect catcherwith which you can easily collect the animals and bring them out of the house without any effort. However, so that spiders do not come back immediately, you should release the animals a little further away.

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