Drinking habits from around the world: Through Europe in 11 drinks

A glass of wine by the roaring sea, a bottle of beer in the pub or a schnapps after a sumptuous meal – for many of us, alcohol is somehow a part of the holiday. Within limits, of course. But when we’re out and about, we may like to have a drink, preferably with the locals at our destination. It’s not for nothing that alcohol is considered a social lubricant. But only if we know the drinking culture at our holiday destination.

How does the world drink?

And it is as different as the way people around the world live. While in some countries people are happy to forego the Prosit, in others it is an obligation. Some countries prefer to pour beer, others rely on their wine – schnapps is actually available everywhere in one form or another, but it is drunk differently. The world of drinking is complicated.

The author Christopher Stark has therefore compiled drinking habits from all over the world and written an atlas of drinking. His book “The World in a Glass” gives a good and informative overview of everything you need to know about drinking habits around the world. In the photo series we give you a first insight into the world of drinking in Europe.

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