Dress changes color in the sunlight: What’s behind the video

Watch the video: Dress changes color in the sunlight – what is behind the incredible video.

This video is creating fascination on social media.

The 22-second clip shows a dress changing color in the sunlight.

At first the dress is beige, but then the color changes to pink.

The video has been viewed more than 4.5 million times on Tiktok alone.

But is the amazing piece of clothing really real – or is it possibly a digitally manipulated video? What’s the deal with the color-changing dress?

The video is not a digital manipulation – but a clip showing a dress by the New York fashion label PH5.

On the company’s website, the dress is advertised as changing color due to the sun’s UV rays.

The label’s Instagram page demonstrates the effect using a UV flashlight. There is also an example video on Youtube.

According to the manufacturer, the effect is based on coated yarn that reacts to UV light.

The case makes it clear that not every seemingly unbelievable video on the Internet is fake. Fascinating effects, such as the color-changing dress, are sometimes due to innovative technologies and ideas and not – like many other videos – to digital manipulation.

How do we check videos for manipulation in the editorial office? It is important to look at the details. The individual frames of a video often reveal whether a video has been edited. We take a close look at each image and enlarge individual sections. Indications of a fake are, for example: lack of motion blur, unnatural shadows or editing errors. The general rule at stern is: Seriousness before speed. We always double-check facts and material thoroughly before publishing them. For this we work with the cross-editorial “Team Verification” together with RTL, NTV, RTL2, Radio NRW.

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