Dramatic corona situation: Bavaria is tightening the measures

Fourth wave
Closed bars and no Christmas markets: Bavaria imposes lockdowns

After a cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced new measures against the corona pandemic in Bavaria (archive image)

© Peter Kneffel / DPA

The seven-day incidence exceeds the 1000 mark in some regions. Now Markus Söder is pulling the rip cord. There will be no Christmas markets in Bavaria this year either, clubs and bars have to close for the time being.

Bavaria is reacting to the out-of-control corona pandemic with tough countermeasures: From next Wednesday (November 24th), strict contact restrictions are to apply to unvaccinated people. All clubs, discos and bars will have to close for the next three weeks, and there will be no Christmas markets this year. Cultural and sporting events are only allowed to take place on a much smaller scale: with a maximum occupancy of 25 percent of spectators and with compulsory testing also for vaccinated people. In extreme hotspots, large parts of public life are also shut down. Schools and daycare centers should remain open throughout Bavaria. This was announced by Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) on Friday after consultations with the CSU-Free Voter Coalition in Munich.

“We act quickly, consistently and immediately – and very much hope that it works,” said Söder. However, the new package should not be finally decided in the cabinet until Tuesday and then discussed in the state parliament – this is necessary in the case of such cuts, said Söder. All measures should then come into effect on Wednesday night.

2G, mask requirement and contact restrictions

The steps on which the CSU and Free Voters agreed on Friday and which should apply from Wednesday at a glance:

Contact restrictions for unvaccinated persons: As of Wednesday, a maximum of five people from two households are allowed to meet – only children under 12 are not counted, as are those who have been vaccinated.

Clubs and Bars: All clubs, discos, bars and pubs have to close for the next three weeks, as well as brothels.

Closing hour: There is a curfew from 10 p.m. in the catering trade.

Christmas markets: Individual cities had already pulled the rip cord – now Christmas markets are to be completely canceled across Bavaria.

2G almost nationwide: The 2G rule will also apply to body-hugging services such as hairdressers, as well as to universities, music and driving schools. Retail remains an exception to 2G – but with an upper limit: one person on ten square meters of space.

Cultural and sporting events: These are only allowed to take place on a much smaller scale: with a maximum capacity of 25 percent of viewers. In addition, the 2Gplus rule applies there – access also for vaccinated and convalescent people only with a test. 2Gplus will also be introduced in leisure facilities and at trade fairs.

Extreme corona hotspots: In counties and urban districts with a seven-day incidence of more than 1000, public life is to be shut down in large areas. Gastronomy, accommodation of all kinds, sports and cultural facilities as well as body-friendly services (such as hairdressers) must close, leisure, sports and cultural events of all kinds are prohibited. Universities have to switch to digital teaching. Schools and daycare centers remain open there too, as do retail – but there is then a restriction to one person to 20 square meters.

School / day care center: Schools and daycare centers remain open throughout Bavaria, schools with normal classroom teaching. However, a mask has to be worn again in physical education classes. PCR pool tests are now to be offered nationwide in day-care centers, and they are also to be offered at secondary schools (especially in the 5th and 6th grades). Otherwise, the previous system with the quick tests remains.

Söder, Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo for the Free Voters and Minister of Health Klaus Holetschek (CSU) described the countermeasures as no alternative in view of the exploding corona numbers. “If things continue like this, our health system will definitely be on the verge of collapse,” said Holetschek.


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