Draft law on basic child welfare is available | tagesschau.de

As of: September 22, 2023 8:03 p.m

The traffic light coalition has agreed on the final details of the draft bill for basic child welfare. According to information from ARD capital studios A supplement for children of asylum seekers should be abolished.

The traffic light coalition has agreed on the final details in the draft law on basic child security. According to information from the, a cabinet decision will be made next Wednesday ARD capital studios nothing stands in the way anymore.

The bill from Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) was not put on the agenda shortly before the cabinet meeting almost two weeks ago because there was still a need for clarification on some detailed issues – including the question of asylum seekers. According to the agreement now reached, the immediate surcharge of 20 euros per child per month, which was introduced during the Corona period, will no longer apply to children of asylum seekers from 2025. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner and his party (FDP) had previously warned against false incentives in asylum law. The benefits for asylum seekers are “not an aspect of the new basic child protection”.

Otherwise, the Corona immediate supplement should be included in the new basic child benefit. According to the draft, the regular adjustment of requirements to the cost of living at the turn of the year 2024/2025 will also lead to higher benefits for asylum seekers. The “Rheinische Post” also reports on the agreement.

Two types of posts

With the basic child security, the federal government wants to combine aid for families such as child benefit, child allowance and other benefits from the citizen’s benefit for children from 2025. A guaranteed amount – the current child benefit – should be paid to all families regardless of income.

The second component – the additional amount – should be staggered according to the age of the children and the income of the parents. The aim is to make it easier for eligible families to receive the benefits they are entitled to. They should be calculated in an online portal and applied for digitally.

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