Draft: Basic child security: six billion euros in the medium term

Basic child security: six billion euros in the medium term

Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) initially wanted 12 billion euros per year for basic child security. photo

© Britta Pedersen/dpa

The agreement of the traffic light coalition on child security came after an hour-long night session. However, the Minister for Family Affairs will probably not get the required 12 billion euros for her project.

The cost of the planned According to estimates by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, basic child security could increase from 2.4 to at least around 5.8 billion euros in 2028 after its introduction in 2025.

This emerges from the draft of the Ministry for the law on basic child security, which is available to the German Press Agency.

Law could be launched in mid-September

The draft is currently being coordinated within the government. Associations are also included. The law could be introduced in the cabinet in mid-September. Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) had agreed in principle on Monday night after months of arguments about the financing of the project.

The reasons for the rising costs are the increasing use of services for children by families. With the basic child security, a bundling of these services, a better overview and a simplified application are to be achieved. This is expected to increase utilization by 47 percent in the introductory year of 2025, which could increase to 80 percent by 2028.

The costs do not yet include additional expenses that result from the fact that state benefits such as citizen benefits or basic child security are regularly adjusted upwards, for example with a view to price developments in the country. The long-term costs are therefore likely to be higher than the 5.8 billion mentioned.


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