Dozens of migrants arrested in Poland, EU prepares sanctions against Minsk

Tensions between Belarus and the European Union continue to grow, as dozens of migrants have been arrested after crossing the Polish border. Police said on Twitter that 50 migrants crossed the heavily guarded EU and NATO border on Saturday near the village of Starzyna, and Warsaw believes that “a greater attempt to cross the border is emerging today. ‘hui’.

For several days, thousands of migrants from the Middle East have been camping on the border between the European Union and Belarus. According to Westerners, the Belarusian regime would have facilitated their arrival by promising them a gateway to Germany. A means of pressure in reality on the EU, which refuses to recognize the election of President Alexander Lukashenko. The latter rejects the responsibility of the other side, assuring by speaking of him in the third person that “if someone thinks that Lukashenko or the Belarusians will back down, then it will not happen”.

NGOs sound the alarm

At least ten migrants have died so far, according to humanitarian organizations, as temperatures drop steadily below zero. In the largest camp, near the Belarusian village of Brouzgi, the authorities estimate the migrants or refugees at around 2,000 people, including pregnant women and children. Belarusian authorities provided them with aid, tents and heaters, a move that could presage a semi-permanent presence at the border.

Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski on Saturday reported a rumor circulating among migrants that on Monday Poland would allow them to pass and that coaches would come from Germany to pick them up. The government texted all foreign cellphones along the border, denouncing “total lie and nonsense!” Poland will continue to protect its border ”.

“Hopeless” and “counterproductive” European sanctions

EU foreign ministers are due to meet on Monday to expand sanctions on Belarus following its crackdown on opponents of Lukashenko, who has ruled the country for nearly 30 years. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said ministers would authorize sanctions against “anyone involved in smuggling migrants to Belarus,” including airlines, travel agencies and government officials .

“Lukashenko was wrong. He believed that by retaliating in this way he was going to twist our arms and have the sanctions canceled. Quite the opposite is happening, ”said Josep Borrell to Sunday Newspaper. European Commissioner Thierry Breton has also estimated on France Inter that “all 27 will be fully aligned” on this subject. But Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei said in a telephone conversation Sunday with Josep Borell that European sanctions are “hopeless” and “counterproductive”.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki for his part is considering a complete closure of the border and calls for the construction of a wall financed by the European community. While British Foreign Minister Liz Truss urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to intervene on Sunday, Turkey sided with the EU under pressure from diplomats. The country, a hub between the East and Europe, now prohibits Iraqis, Syrians and Yemenis from traveling to Belarus via its soil.

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