Dozens of hostages still alive, says senior official

Involved in negotiations for the release of hostages in Palestinian territory, a senior Israeli official told AFP on Monday that Israel knew with certainty that several dozen hostages held in Gaza were alive. “Dozens of hostages are definitely alive,” he said on condition of anonymity, not being authorized to speak publicly on the matter. “We can’t leave them there for long, they will die,” he added.

While negotiations seem to be stalling with Hamas, this senior Israeli official reiterated Israel’s refusal to immediately accept a permanent ceasefire. “We cannot, at this stage – before signing an agreement – ​​commit to ending the war,” he explained. While he spoke, thousands of Israelis continue to demonstrate to demand the release of the hostages, but also the resignation of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister.

Waiting for a response from Hamas

The senior official also said that the Israeli negotiating team had given the green light to the Biden plan, but that the Israeli government had not yet done so. “We hope and expect that Hamas will say yes,” he said while the Palestinian Islamist movement continues to demand the establishment of a permanent ceasefire before any agreement on the release of the hostages, which is would do in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

“In the event that we fail to reach an agreement with Hamas, the IDF will continue to fight in the Gaza Strip with no less force than at present,” he added. “In a different way, but in an intense way. »

Since the attack on October 7, Hamas has kidnapped 251 people. Today, the Israeli military estimates that 41 people have died and 116 remain detained in Gaza.

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