Doubts arise over the sequestration of the woman found

The script was scary to read: a woman found in a screened room who said she was kidnapped since 2011. But according to the first elements of the investigation after the discovery Monday in Forbach (Moselle) of this 53-year-old German, doubts appear. The reality seems less dire.

The public prosecutor of Sarreguemines, Olivier Glady, wanted to be more cautious: Monday evening: “the cursor is probably moving from a frightening scenario towards conditions for the management of an unsatisfactory disease”, a-t- it so nuanced. He thus denied the presence of a torture bench, mentioned by a police source, as well as the existence of a “notebook” in which her husband, currently unemployed after having worked in industry in Germany, allegedly , according to RMC, “noted his facts”.

According to the prosecutor, the fence found in the room was clearly used “to prevent” the ten cats who lived in the couple’s apartment from escaping. He also indicated that the first hearings of the man, aged 55 and arrested, had started on Monday: the husband who denies the facts of which he is accused, told investigators that his wife was suffering from cancer.


Mr. Glady also said that “inconsistencies” have marred the speech given by the woman to the investigators. Health-related tests were carried out. The first analyzes, by scanner, thus showed that she presented “no fracture”, neither “obvious bruises” nor “eschar”. His biological analyzes also did not reveal a “significant state of dehydration”.

The “silhouette” of the wife, and in particular her shaved head, can also be explained by this disease, if it is confirmed. Investigators approached “the Primary Health Insurance Fund (Cpam)” to determine whether the wife was medically monitored, said Mr. Glady. As for his “half” nudity, the morning hour of the arrest of his companion could explain it, according to the magistrate. “The scenario at the time when I speak to you seems to allow a priori to ward off the specter of Barbe Bleue in Moselle Est”, he further declared.

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