Don’t throw it away! What to do with your pumpkin after Halloween: 5 anti-waste tips

Anti-Waste Pumpkin Tip
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We enjoy

Pumpkin is both delicious and full of benefits, since it is rich in fiber, beta-carotenes, potassium and vitamins. The most obvious option to avoid wasting it is simply to cook it. And if the pulp can be eaten roasted, in puree, in soup, in gratin or even in pie, don’t neglect the seeds!

Cooking the Pulp, As well as the Seeds Cooking the Pulp, As well as the Seeds
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Roasted pumpkin seeds are eaten as an aperitif as a snack. They can also enhance salads. Once you have washed them well, let them dry overnight on a cloth, then spread them out on a plate. Head to the oven and preheat to 180°C for 25 min. You can salt them or garnish them with garlic or spices.

We take care of ourselves

Since pumpkin is rich in beta-carotenes (among others!), it is ideal for preparing homemade beauty treatments. It is used primarily to give a boost of radiance to the skin. To do this, we start by removing the pulp and putting it in a blender to make a puree.

Prepare a Moisturizing Mask or ScrubPrepare a Moisturizing Mask or Scrub
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Add honey (organic, preferably) and apply to face for 10 to 12 minutes, and rinse. To make a body scrub, simply replace the honey with two teaspoons of brown sugar. Apply in a circular massage, like a classic scrub, and rinse.

We feed the birds

If you decorated your pumpkin without digging it, think twice when cooking it or preparing a beauty treatment. It is indeed smart to hollow it out to transform it into a container. Of course, you can use it as a planter or vase, to create a charming autumn decoration. Your pumpkin can also be transformed into a pantry for birds when the cold sets in!

To make a bird feeder, all you need is a sharp-edged knife and a spoon for scooping out the pumpkin, a screwdriver or drill and some sturdy string, suitable for outdoor use.

Good to know : Pumpkin seeds can be incorporated into bird seed mix in the garden. Sparrows, jays, finches and tits particularly appreciate them. They are also very popular with chickens and other backyard birds, as well as parrots!

We make compost

The pulp and seeds of the pumpkin are undoubtedly its main interest. On the other hand, it literally has thick skin, and it would be tempting to throw it away. Bad idea !

  Compost the peelings  Compost the peelings
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It’s better to put your Jack O’Lantern or pumpkin peels in the compost – if you haven’t used paint or any other product to customize it. It actually has the particularity of decomposing quite quickly. To have compost ready to use in spring, add dead leaves!

We’re preparing for next year!

The best way to decorate the garden in “Halloween” mode is to grow your own pumpkins! Moreover, pumpkins are perfectly suited to growing in pots, and you can therefore also grow them on the balcony.

Make Your Own Seedlings Make Your Own Seedlings
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To make your own seedlings, start by washing the seeds. Take the opportunity to sort them: those that are empty float on the surface of the water, and you can therefore easily eliminate them. Once they are completely dry, place them in a cool, dry place. Sow your pumpkins in pots from April under cover. Transplant them from May, when all risk of frost has passed.

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