Donald Trump is not allowed to run in the primaries in the US state of Maine

Abroad Former US President

Trump is not allowed to run in the primaries in the US state of Maine

To Colorado – US state Maine excludes Trump from primary election

Recently, a majority of Colorado’s top judges excluded former US President Donald Trump from the primary election. According to Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, he is also not allowed to take part in the 2024 Republican primary for the White House in the state of Maine.

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Donald Trump has been excluded from the presidential primaries in a second state. The responsible official is using an additional article that has never been used before. Now the judiciary is likely to deal with the decision soon.

DFormer US President Donald Trump is not allowed to run in his party’s presidential primary in Maine. The top electoral authority in the US state of Maine has barred the Republican presidential candidate from taking part in the primaries for next year’s US presidential election.

Maine’s secretary of state, Democrat Shenna Bellows, ruled that Trump incited an insurrection when he spread false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election and then urged his supporters to march on the Capitol to stop lawmakers from voting to confirm.

Trump’s campaign team immediately announced that they would appeal Bellows’ move in Maine courts. She herself suspended her decision until the judiciary has ruled on the case.

As Secretary of State, Bellows is responsible for the election processes in the state in the northeast of the USA. She is the first election official to unilaterally exclude a presidential candidate from a primary election based on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

“No presidential candidate has ever participated in an insurrection.”

Trump’s opponents in several states are citing the 14th Amendment to the Federal Constitution, which dates back to the Civil War. It prohibits people from holding office if they have committed “insurrection or rebellion” after taking an oath to the United States. Trump’s critics see his involvement in the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 as proven.

Bellows wrote in a 34-page statement that she did not come to her decision lightly. “I understand that no Secretary of State has ever barred a presidential candidate from participating in an election under Section Three of the 14th Amendment. “But I also recognize that no presidential candidate has ever participated in an insurrection.” Bellows said the events of January 6, 2021 took place “at the behest and with the knowledge and support” of the outgoing president.

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A week and a half ago, the Supreme Court in Colorado ruled in a sensational decision that the Republican was not allowed to take part in his party’s presidential primaries in the state because of his role in the storming of the Capitol. Courts in the state of Michigan, however, decided differently.

Two courts are currently dealing with Trump’s role in the incident, one at the federal level and one at the state level. However, formal charges of “insurrection” have not yet been brought against him. It can be assumed that the question of Trump’s participation in the elections will ultimately have to be clarified by the highest US court, the Supreme Court.

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