Donald Trump: Investigators accuse him of fraudulent business practices

Former President of the USA
Investigators accuse Donald Trump of fraudulent business practices

The comprehensive investigation is about, among other things, the suspicion that Trump’s company has given false information about the value of its real estate.

© Ben Gray / DPA

Donald Trump is said to have obtained tax advantages with “fraudulent or misleading” asset valuations. The New York Attorney General’s office is convinced of that. Now Trump and his children Ivanka and Donald Jr. are to testify in court in the case.

Former US President Donald Trump’s corporate empire has repeatedly used fraudulent business practices, according to New York Attorney General Letitia James. The goal of these practices was to get a “variety of economic benefits,” such as loans, insurance coverage or tax deductions, the Democrat wrote in a statement late Tuesday (local time). It was the first time that the Attorney General’s office had made such specific allegations against Trump’s company, the New York Times reported.

James also asked the court to compel subpoenas for Trump and two of his children, Ivanka and Donald Jr., to testify under oath in the ongoing civil investigation into the Trump Organization. “To date, our investigation has uncovered significant evidence that suggests that Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization mispriced and fraudulently valued multiple assets and misrepresented those values ​​to financial institutions for economic gain,” James said .

Donald Trump tried to prevent questioning under oath

Her latest moves are in response to the ex-president’s attempt to prevent her from questioning him and two of his children under oath. For more than two years, the Trump Organization has been trying to slow down the investigation with delaying tactics, among other things, the attorney general said. In December, for example, Trump took legal action against James. Trump has repeatedly described the investigation as a “witch hunt”.

The comprehensive investigation is about, among other things, the suspicion that Trump’s company has given false information about the value of its real estate. “Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump were all closely involved in the transactions in question, so we will not tolerate their attempts to evade testimony in this investigation,” James said on Twitter. “Nobody in this country can choose whether and how the law applies to them.”


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