Donald Trump: Ex-National Security Advisor John Bolton on the dangers of a second term

If former President Donald Trump makes it back to the White House, he could do irreparable damage, his former National Security Advisor, John Bolton, says. His fear: Trump would threaten Ukraine and play into Putin’s hands with a NATO exit.

What would it mean for the United States and the world if Donald Trump were re-elected President of the United States?
Trump does not follow any political beliefs. He doesn’t make politics based on any rules. Everything is ad hoc, and the question is always: How does this benefit Donald Trump? This is how he reigned for the first four years. And that’s how he would rule if he were to do it again.

With what consequences?
Trump caused a lot of damage between 2017 and 2021, nationally and internationally, but that was fixable. Had he been re-elected in 2020, the damage would have been irreparable. That applies again now.

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