Donald Trump castigates Colin Powell and his “mistakes”

Donald Trump did not carry Colin Powell in his heart, and he made it known publicly on Tuesday. Colin Powell “made lots of mistakes but hey, may he rest in peace! », Wrote Donald Trump, in a scathing press release, the day after the death of the former secretary of state by George Bush,

One of the pet peeves of the former Republican president, Colin Powell died at the age of 84 of complications related to Covid-19, drawing tributes from all over the American political spectrum, in particular from Democratic President Joe Biden .

A consensual tone deemed too hagiographic by Donald Trump, who said he hoped to benefit from such a concert of praise at his own death. “Wonderful to see how the disinformation media deals with the late Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and notoriously the so-called weapons of mass destruction. I hope that will happen to me someday too, ”wrote the former business mogul.

Donald Trump, a “national disgrace”, according to Powell

Donald Trump also accused Powell of being “a so-called Republican”, “always quick to attack other Republicans,” a criticism he often leveled at the man who was the first African-American to hold the leadership positions. of staff of the armies then secretary of state.

Republican insert, Colin Powell had voted for Barack Obama in 2012, then for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. In 2016, he had called Donald Trump of “national shame”, accusing the Republican candidate of “knowing nothing” about geopolitics and of having surfed on “the racist movement” of “birthers”, these people convinced that Barack Obama was not born in the United States .

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