Donald Trump and Joe Biden: When are you too old to govern?

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are seniors: Why are they perceived as being so different in age? And should there be an age limit for politicians? The director of the German Center for Aging Issues, Dr. Clemens Tesch-Römer has a clear opinion.

Mr. Tesch-Römer, what do you think about the fact that two older men are running for the next presidential election in the USA? Joe Biden is 80 and Donald Trump is 77.
We have to look at every person regardless of age: Is they fit and capable enough to carry out the office? The older you get, the higher the likelihood that you will get sick and that your fitness will no longer be as good as it used to be. But using age alone as a reason to classify a person as less capable is wrong.

When Joe Biden fell asleep at a conference, many doubted his ability to govern. Right?

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