Dominique Boutonnat, the president of the CNC, will be tried for sexual assault on his godson

XAVIER LEOTY via Getty Images Dominique Boutonnat, pictured here in September 2019 in La Rochelle, is the president of the CNC.

XAVIER LEOTY via Getty Images

Dominique Boutonnat, pictured here in September 2019 in La Rochelle, is the president of the CNC.

JUSTICE – Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak recently referred to him as a ” pioneer in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence “. Dominique Boutonnatfilm producer and president of the CNCwill be tried for sexual assault on his godson, we learned from the prosecution this Thursday, September 29.

The information, revealed by France info and confirmed by the prosecution to AFP, follows the indictment of Dominique Boutonnat for sexual assault charges which he refutes. On April 25, the Nanterre prosecution had requested the referral to the criminal court of Dominique Boutonnat for sexual assault on his godson, with whom he has no family ties.

In October 2020, a complaint was filed by this young man in his twenties, for facts dating from August 2020 during a vacation in Greece. According to his lawyer, Dominique Boutonnat, 52, known as a film producer, “firmly disputes all the facts”.

At the end of his police custody in February 2021, Dominique Boutonnat had been indicted for attempted rape and sexual assault. But the prosecution had finally requested a trial for sexual assault, dismissing the qualification of attempted rape. The judges followed his advice in their decision on Wednesday.

“He is indicted, not convicted. The presumption of innocence prevails. » Rima Abdul Malak, Minister of Culture

Appointed for the first time three years ago at the head of the National Cinema Center, Dominique Boutonnat was reappointed to his post following a Council of Ministers meeting on July 20.

During an interview at Parisian in June, the Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak, had campaigned for its renewal: “He is indicted, not convicted. The presumption of innocence prevails”. And to defend his balance sheet with these words: He is the boss of a CNC which has faced the crisis and which, moreover, has been a pioneer in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence. “.

In a letter directly addressed to Rima Abdul Malak and transmitted to the HuffPostthe 50/50 collective which promotes equality, parity and diversity in the cinematographic and audiovisual industry demanded that the Minister propose another candidate to take the helm of the CNC. “While waiting for justice to be done, we know that you will of course be keen to preserve institutions, protect republican symbols, and support the victims who, around the world, are making their voices heard with great courage”hoped the collective whose claims had not been heard.

It now remains to be seen whether the decision of the prosecution to judge Dominique Boutonnat for sexual assault on his godson will make the government react. Or if the latter will await judgment.

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