Dog schools: These cities have the best – and seminars cost that

From Bielefeld to Stuttgart
These cities have the best dog schools – and that costs the lessons

For puppies, the classic is to attend a ten-hour seminar at a dog school

© Benjamin Nolte/ / Picture Alliance

When a dog comes into the house, the joy is great. But the four-legged friend also has to learn a few things – just like his owners. That’s what dog schools are for.

Whether from an animal shelter or from a breeder – if you buy a dog, you also assume a lot of responsibility for the animal. It is not uncommon for the whole family to look forward to the moment when the clumsy labrador, the watchful German shepherd or the cheeky mongrel finally moves in. Yes, speaking of being cheeky: the dog or bitch also needs good training, and the people have to know how to deal with the animal.

A dog school is therefore a good place to go for many owners to find out more and teach the animal the most important rules. Anyone who knows dogs knows: There is more than “space” and “sit”.

Dog school can be attended with puppies or adult animals

It is never too late and rarely too early to learn – you can attend puppy or parenting courses. The company SantéVet, a specialist in animal health insurance, has analyzed the Google ratings of the dog schools in the 20 largest cities in Germany. In addition, the authors of this evaluation brought together the average prices for the seminars, although there are quite significant differences. The complete overview with two different tables is here to find.

According to the information, almost eleven million dogs live in Germany – and many of them receive a course with a certified trainer in the course of their lives.

The training courses in the Ruhr area are comparatively cheap: in Essen, a ten-hour puppy course costs an average of 143 euros, and a training course for adult dogs costs 149 euros. In Münster, too, the puppy course is still available for an average of just under 150 euros.

In Dortmund, puppies are trained for around 180 euros, a seminar with an adult animal costs about the same there.

However, training young dogs can also be significantly more expensive: in Duisburg, Bremen or Leipzig, the ten-hour unit costs a little more than 200 euros. The most expensive courses are in Frankfurt (about 245 euros) and Dresden (just under 315 euros).

On average, such a ten-hour puppy course in Germany costs just under 204 euros, a seminar with an adult animal around 202 euros.

Dog schools in Stuttgart are rated particularly well

And where are the best dog schools? Clearly – in Stuttgart. With an average rating of 4.88 Google stars, the state capital of Baden-Württemberg is at the top of the rankings, according to the analysis by SantéVet. Frankfurt took second place with an average of 4.86 stars, followed by Dresden with 4.82 stars.

According to the ranking, there are also – after Cologne – a particularly large number of dog schools in Stuttgart: the authors of the evaluation came up with more than 100 locations. Or, to put it another way, in the Swabian metropolis there are 0.5 dog schools per square kilometer. Cologne comes second with a density that is only half as high – there are 0.26 facilities per square kilometer. Hanover and Frankfurt also made it “on the podium”, as it is also said. There are 0.25 dog schools per square kilometer.

According to SantéVet, the number of dog schools in Germany has increased significantly over the past ten years. This is a sign that most dog owners are aware of the responsibility they assume when keeping an animal, commented David Sliva, Country Manager Germany at SantéVet, on the ranking in a press release. Many of the facilities also offer services such as day care centers, boarding houses, dog walking services and foster homes.

Incidentally, in the Google ratings, the dog schools are not too far apart, on average they come to a value of 4.74 in Germany. The dog schools in cities at the lower end of the table also achieve an average of 4.61 (Bochum) or 4.62 (Bielefeld).

Source: Ranking at SantéVet

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