Dog guards his injured companion for six hours (video)

Watch the video: Dog stays with his injured companion for six hours – then they get help.

This homeless little dog named Corey saves his friend Matthew’s life after he was hit by a car.

Samantha Zimmer from Houston, Texas, became aware of the helpless dogs through a Facebook post.

A postman had already found the animals on the side of the road in the morning, but he wasn’t able to help the two on his own.

Together with her fiancé George, Samantha immediately goes in search of the two animals.

After less than an hour, the two find Corey lying on a road towards Dayton, Texas.

Using sausages, they manage to lure the initially suspicious Corey into their car.

Only a few meters further they also find Matthew, whom they rescue from the ditch.

With some injuries, a rash, and fleas, Matthew is taken to a vet.

Corey is unharmed.

“We were so relieved that Corey stayed with Matthew who, despite his injuries, was still breathing normally, wagging his tail and happy to see us.”

After Matthew is released from the ER, he and Corey are finally reunited.

Both dogs are being cared for and placed with foster families by the non-profit rescue organization Lola’s Lucky Day.

Samantha is a caretaker on “Lola’s Lucky Day” and shares her rescue stories online – including Matthew and Corey’s.

She wants to draw attention to the problems of homeless animals in Texas and collect donations.

Matthew and Corey are now both in foster care.

Her story has reached and touched people from all over the world.

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