“Dog feces attack” at the Jena Theater on the Marco Goecke case – Culture

It was the theatrical event of the year, even though it wasn’t staged at all. More spontaneous. In February of this year, Marco Goecke, then chief choreographer and director of the Hannover State Ballet, met the critic Wiebke Hüster during the break of a ballet premiere, initially attacked her verbally, became increasingly angry, then pulled out a bag of dog feces and applied its contents to the ballet Face of the critic. As a result, Goecke lost his management position in Hanover, but his choreographies continued to run like crazy. Goecke is an extremely renowned, award-winning choreographer, and there was always agreement about that. His outburst is unlikely to have done much damage to his career in the long term, but at the same time it gave rise to a wide-ranging discussion about the relationship between critics and theater makers – Hüster was not exactly squeamish about them in her reviews of Goecke’s works.

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