Dog ends up in the shelter – and walks back 40 miles

The owner gives the dog to the shelter – the animal walks back 40 miles

The search for the escaped dog took almost four weeks (symbol image)

© sinseeho / Getty Images

He ended up in the animal shelter and yet he was longing for his old owner: A dog ran all the way back to his old home.

Especially during the corona pandemic, many people have bought pets that they are now losing interest in. Most of the time, the animals end up in animal shelters. That was also the fate of the Golden Retriever Cooper from Northern Ireland, about which “Belfast Live” reports.

But even though his old owners didn’t want him anymore, the dog obviously still felt a strong bond with them. When the shelter found him with a new owner and the new owner, Nigel Fleming, drove him to his new home, Cooper was homesick. When the man opened the car door, Cooper took to his heels and couldn’t be caught.

Dog returns to his familiar surroundings

“It was a disaster,” Fleming said. “Poor guy didn’t know where he was and was stunned. I tried to follow him but he was gone.” So Fleming initiated the search and asked animal protection organizations for help. But it took almost four weeks before he received a sign of life from Cooper. A woman reported on Facebook that she had seen the dog near his old home.

Cooper had covered a total of 40 miles – apparently he longed so much for his old homeland, where he was unfortunately no longer wanted. In the end, that seems logical to Nigel Fleming: “We should have just followed the dog’s nose home to familiar surroundings.” He is now trying to get Cooper used to his new home and gradually create an environment in which the dog feels comfortable. As a precaution, Fleming has also tightened the safety precautions – just in case the dog gets homesick again.

Source: “Belfast Live”

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