Does VfB Stuttgart regret Matarazzo’s dismissal?

Does VfB Stuttgart regret Matarazzo’s dismissal?

Pellegrino Matarazzo

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A VfB Stuttgart player would have stuck with Pellegrino Matarazzo.

After a weak start to the season, Pellegrino Matarazzo was kicked out at VfB Stuttgart. Within the team, one apparently believes that the Swabians could regret this decision very soon.

Pellegrino Matarazzo enjoyed a high reputation at VfB and was considered a popular figure – but the lack of results didn’t spare his job either. Since the Swabians were still without a win after nine league games, those responsible made the difficult decision in mid-October to sack the Italian-American.

Interim successor Michael Wimmer started with two wins against (admittedly weak) Bochum and Bielefeld, but suffered a bitter 5-0 defeat at the weekend. The 42-year-old should remain in office until the World Cup break – after that he is considered one of the candidates who can at least hope for long-term employment. The clubless Jess Thorup and Alfred Schreuder (Ajax) are also traded in the country.

The optimal solution, as can be seen from the current constellation, has not yet been found by Stuttgart after Matarazzo’s dismissal – which in turn raises questions as to why Matarazzo (apparently without preparation) was thrown out.

In any case, the team seems to be wondering whether the separation from the 44-year-old was the right one. Tobias Holtkamp quotes in his sports1Column of an unnamed professional from VfB: “It’s good that we’re looking for the coach faster [Matarazzo] look back as we please.”

What is special: The player quoted is not even said to belong to the Swabians’ regular circle, but only played irregularly under Matarazzo. The immense standing that ‘Rino’ enjoyed within the team shows that he would have held on to the ex-coach longer.

The coming weeks will have to show whether the decision to part with Matarazzo was the right one. At the moment there are still doubts.

Everything about VfB at 90min:

This article was originally published on as Does VfB Stuttgart regret Matarazzo’s dismissal? released.


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