Does the noise in bars, cafes or restaurants spoil your pleasure? Tell us !

Friends at the next table, telling their best jokes while laughing out loud. Background music so loud it kills the mood. Tight tables that allow you to enjoy the discussions of the neighbors. Ringing of dishes that go to your head. Noise in restaurants, cafes and bars can turn a supposedly serene and convivial meal into a stressful experience.

A problem that particularly affects establishments located in large cities.

And you, are you often bothered by noise in restaurants, bars or cafes? In what types of establishments do you find the noise the most unbearable? Where do you live and how old are you? What noise pollution irritates you the most? The music, the conversations of other customers, the traffic on the street? During what types of meetings (professional, family, romantic) do you mind the most? In these cases, do you intervene to stop them or reduce them? Have you ever left a restaurant in a hurry because you couldn’t get past it? Do you often choose your café, bar or restaurant based on its noise level?

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