Does the ICE come to Munich airport? There are initial plans – Munich

Will Munich Airport get the long-discussed rail connection to long-distance traffic? At least Deutsche Bahn is conducting preliminary planning for the construction of a new high-speed rail line between Munich and Ingolstadt – and is not ruling out a connection to the airport. This was confirmed by the outgoing representative of Deutsche Bahn for Bavaria, Klaus-Dieter Josel, at a farewell press conference in Munich on Thursday.

The airport is a little away from the existing long-distance transport network, said Josel. That is why building a long-distance connection just for passengers has not yet been profitable. However, larger capacities are generally expected in the future than today. It is therefore essential to build a new line from Ingolstadt to Munich. This could then also run through the airport. “This is the path we are currently discussing with the Federal Ministry of Transport, together with the Free State of Bavaria, Lufthansa and, above all, the airport,” said Josel.

So nothing is certain yet. Experience shows that planning for new routes takes a long time, and many projects are currently subject to funding. However, the move could revive decades-old debates. The airport is only served by the S-Bahn 1 and 8 from Munich, with many stops along the way. The S 1 route in particular is considered to be heavily congested or even overloaded.

This is also why a faster connection between the city and the airport, or even its connection to long-distance rail services, has been discussed to date without success. The best-known example is the never-realized Transrapid, which, according to the wishes of then Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber (CSU), would have taken passengers from the main station to the airport “in ten minutes”.

For Josel, the chances of connecting the airport to long-distance transport are better than they have been for a long time. There are various conceptual considerations, “but one thing is clear: we already have our foot in the door with the federal government.” However, others now have to drive forward the plans. Klaus-Dieter Josel is retiring after 21 years as Bavarian DB boss; Thursday was his last day at work. His successor will be Heiko Büttner, the previous head of the Munich S-Bahn.

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