Does the hospital center prohibit all visits?

Neither quite true nor absolutely false. In a Twitter post published on Monday, Debout la France’s candidate for the 2022 presidential election, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, said that Roubaix hospital now banned visits. His outrage was echoed, illustrated by a photo of the hospital captioned “Let’s give patients back the right to visit.” Let’s free them ”. Except that this statement is not entirely correct.

For almost two years, with each wave of the coronavirus epidemic, health structures have put in place “Covid protocols” to avoid turning their establishments into clusters of the virus. We remember the drastic measures put in place in nursing homes in 2020 which deprived residents of any contact with the outside world.

Periodically, more or less strict measures concerning the visits have been taken in the hospitals of Hauts-de-France but also in the establishments of the whole of the national territory. There is nothing new here. However, Monday, on Twitter, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan wrote: “Visits to the hospital in Roubaix are now prohibited, but by what right? Let us restore the right of access to patients, a right which is important for psychological well-being and which contributes to the recovery of patients ”.


Contacted by 20 minutes, the management of the Roubaix hospital center acknowledges having “temporarily reviewed its visiting rules” and implemented measures “validated before their implementation by the users’ committee and the establishment’s crisis unit”. The reasons given are “the intense circulation of the virus”, “the presence of many hospitalized COVID + patients” and “several clusters identified in certain services”.

It is true that at the Victor Provo hospital and in the Ssr / addictology service, visits were suspended, “unless a dispensation validated by a doctor affecting in particular the end of life, people in distress, frail elderly people or requiring support. “. They are always possible, under conditions, in maternity, pediatrics, nursing homes, Uslds and even in intensive care and continuing care units.

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