Does Kate Middleton still represent the future of the British royal family? Give us your opinion

Future Princess of Wales but already queen… of hearts? In opinion polls, she hugs her husband. Kate Middleton will soon be the most popular figure in the British royal family (
behind Queen Elisabeth, of course). She is a hit with each of her public appearances. His good works are the ones that receive the most gifts. Her photos (of her or those she takes of her children) are the most liked on royal social networks …

In short, Kate Middleton is THE family star. While the couple formed by Meghan and Harry have aroused the rejection of part of the opinion since their decision to step back from the royal family, Prince William and his wife are on the front lines. Since the death of Prince Philip, and because of her age and health, Queen Elisabeth II has chosen to put forward the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, rather than her son, the heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Which gives so many opportunities to shine for Kate Middleton.

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On the occasion of her 40th birthday, the mother of three children (George, Charlotte and Louis) gave herself a nice gift: several celebrity photographers had her pose. The publication of the snaps sparked a new torrent of glowing comments.

But, on this side of the Channel, how’s it going? For you, does Kate Middleton embody the future or the present of the royal institution? Are you interested in his actions (and outfits)? Do you think she can outshine her husband when it comes to popularity? Or succeed the queen as a female representative of the crown? Anyway, what do you think of Kate Middleton? You can give your opinion in love or decided in the following form or in comment of the article. Your testimonials will be used in the drafting of a future paper.

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