Does 95% of street crime really come from people with an immigrant background, as Marine Le Pen says?

This is a recurring argument among the leaders of the National Rally. On June 10 on RMC and BFMTV, Marine Le Pen repeated: “95% of street crime is committed by people who are immigrants or from immigrant backgrounds. That is a tangible reality”. A tangible reality? Not really. In this new episode of Oh my FakeClémence explains to us why we must pay attention to this figure correlating delinquency and immigration.

Be strong against fake news

OMF Oh My Fake on Snapchat Discover is the 20 Minutes program that makes you strong against fake news and more broadly invites you to understand the springs and psychological biases that encourage sharing and virality. Beyond knowing if “It’s true or it’s false”, the important thing is rather to understand “Why did we believe it? », by analyzing the mechanisms that make rumours, often fake, attractive to the point that even seasoned minds – like yours! – can succumb to it.

Covid-19, legislative​, social movements…, OMF Oh My Fake is more than ever a program that gives perspective and critical thinking, just like our fact checking section “Fake Off”. Do not hesitate to subscribe, directly by scanning this snapcode in the Snapchat application. Promise you won’t regret it.

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