Documentary “How God Created Us – After Coming Out” – Media

Last year numerous Catholics came out as queer, trans, homosexual. The ARD documentary “How God Created Us – After Coming Out” meets some of them again.

When the members of the Synodal Assembly voted in March 2023 for queer, homosexual and intersex people to be accepted in the Catholic Church without discrimination, applause erupted in the hall. More than 95 percent voted “yes,” with a similar number in favor of blessings for non-heterosexual couples in the Catholic Church. A success, of course, in a church that for centuries has rejected everything that does not correspond to the heteronormative idea of ​​a relationship. Mara Klein is not binary and was part of the synodal path and thus the vote. The result is a reason to be grateful, says Klein, but the resolutions don’t go far enough.

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