Doctor of the German Medical Association: We will all have to boost ourselves

“important today”
Doctor of the German Medical Association: We will all have to boost ourselves

A queue in front of a vaccination bus in Bonn (archive image)

© Picture Alliance

The fourth corona wave is rolling in with power – and one thing is definitely certain, says the Vice President of the German Medical Association, Dr. Ellen Lundershausen: Everyone will need a third vaccination to get the pandemic under control.

Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate! And not just once or twice. The corona situation in Germany is getting worse. In some counties, the incidence has risen to a value of 900, currently 2700 people are again in intensive care units and in Saxony the warning level has been reached, which virtually excludes the unvaccinated from public life. The Vice President of the German Medical Association, Dr. Ellen Lundershausen says she did not believe that this would happen to such an extent now. Lundershausen had Corona herself, at a time when there was no vaccine for it and she warns of how severe this disease can be: “Vaccination is the only means! Vaccination protects us from the severe courses!”

Boosters for everyone

However, she considers compulsory vaccination to be late, which should have come in early summer. Now, above all, what was already in place at the beginning of the pandemic is helping again: the AHA rules. In view of the tense corona situation, the Vice President of the German Medical Association also demands: “We must soon provide everyone with a booster vaccination after six months.” She assumes that the booster vaccination will be necessary for everyone in order to continue to protect themselves from severe corona disease.

Michel Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, strong opinion, on the 12: “Today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with poise and sometimes uncomfortably. This is what host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for star– and RTL reporters: inside with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day informed and can have a sound say.

Shots at the Belarusian border

In addition, the “Today important” podcast deals with the situation of people who are looking for a better future in the EU. Lithuania has now implemented a state of emergency on the border with Belarus. According to Polish information, up to 4,000 people are said to try to overcome the border fence there.

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