Do you still buy CDs? Tell us!

It is one of the main French meetings in the sector. Saturday and Sunday, the International Record Fair de Nantes will bring together a crowd of collectors and lovers of musical discoveries on CDs and vinyls. However, apart from these enthusiasts, many French people, young people in particular, have completely turned away from physical media. They listen to their music via streaming platforms, like Deezer and Spotify, or even illegal download sites. Even if it means not even having a CD player at home. Like vinyl, which has become somewhat of a trend again, the compact disc however, has not said its last word. In the United States, its sales have even just started to rise again after fifteen years of uninterrupted decline.

And you, then? Which music consumer are you? Do you still buy CDs in supermarkets or in stores? Why ? Are you going to give it away for the holidays? Do you still have a player? Do you still regularly listen to old CDs? What do you blame digital platforms for? Does being faithful to CDs make you a nerd or a bobo? Let us know your answers. They will be used to create an article. Thanks !

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