“Do you find me sexy? or when Jimmy Fallon makes fun of Emmanuel Macron

The photo of Emmanuel Macron, shirt open on his well-furnished carpet, has been around the Internet since it was posted online on Sunday. The image signed Soazig de La Moissonnièrethe Head of State’s official photographer, has been widely commented, dissected and mocked in France. She was also a source of inspiration abroad.

Jimmy Fallon has thus sought his best rhymes in “i” to imagine a campaign song for the French president candidate for his re-election.

“Hi, it’s bibi, with my full chest, do you think I’m sexy? I hope you will answer yes, “sang the American on Wednesday in a sketch on his show, The Tonight Show.

“I will surely appoint Emily in Paris as Prime Minister”

Beret, baguette and glass of wine, accent to cut with a salted butter knife and French words slipped here and there, Jimmy Fallon did not hesitate to accumulate clichés. “I have a good economic policy, I will surely appoint Emily in Paris as Prime Minister”, he sang before concluding “In 2022, if you all vote for me, I will whisper: thank you! »

The result is hardly corrosive or relevant – one can understand that French politics is not the host’s favorite subject – and merely laughs at the stereotype of the Franchouillard seducer. Satire can go get dressed.

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