Do not take iodine tablets without recommendation – warning of side effects

Worry about radiation
Demand for iodine tablets is increasing – experts warn against taking them

The demand for iodine tablets is increasing. Some pharmacies are even out of stock.

© Benjamin Horn/ Eibner-Pressefoto / Picture Alliance

Out of fear of a nuclear catastrophe, many people stock up on iodine tablets. Experts warn against taking the preparations without appropriate recommendation.

Ever since Vladimir Putin put his nuclear forces on alert, fears of a nuclear catastrophe in Germany seem to have been growing steadily. Apparently the citizens are worried about the release of radioactive radiation. Because many people stock up on iodine tablets to protect themselves from damage to their health in an emergency.

“We hear from many pharmacies that demand has risen sharply,” said a spokeswoman for the German Pharmacists’ Association when asked by “Focus Online“. In some pharmacies in North Rhine-Westphalia, iodine tablets are even sold out, as the chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia Association of Pharmacists, Thomas Preis, reported to the German Press Agency last Wednesday.

Take iodine tablets only as recommended

Experts warn against swallowing the preparation on your own without appropriate instructions. “Iodine tablets should only be taken if expressly requested by the competent authorities,” it says Federal Office for Radiation Protection. In the event of a nuclear disaster, radioactive iodine can be released, which can accumulate in the human thyroid gland and increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

A pack of iodine tablets

Taking the high-dose tablets can lead to undesirable side effects.

© Fabian Sommer / Picture Alliance

By taking the tablets, the thyroid can store so much iodine that it is saturated and the radioactive form of the element is no longer absorbed by the body. It comes to the so-called “iodine blockade”. However, that is not necessary at the moment. dr Matthias Zähringer, Head of the Radiological Emergency Protection Department at the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), emphasizes in an interview with the “pharmacy magazine“that there is currently no evidence of increased radiation.

Highly dosed iodine tablets

“You shouldn’t just take iodine just like that, but wait for the appropriate recommendation from the civil protection authorities,” says Zähringer. Because taking iodine can sometimes have dangerous side effects. The tablets are highly dosed. According to the Consumer Center is “500 times the normal recommended daily intake”. From a quantity of 500 µg, the intake is no longer considered safe.

A hitherto only subliminal hyperthyroidism can be intensified by iodine tablets, writes the “Apotheken Umschau”. In the worst case, this can lead to cardiovascular failure. This can be particularly dangerous for people over the age of 45. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection advises you not to take the iodine preparation even in the event of a radioactive catastrophe, since the risks of side effects outweigh the benefits. The thyroid glands of children, adolescents and pregnant women are also particularly sensitive.

Iodine tablets are given out in an emergency

The experts also advise against storing the tablets as a precaution. Because throughout Germany, iodine tablets are stored at more than 180 different million locations, which are distributed from there to the population. “In the event of an incident, they are handed over to the population at fire stations, town halls, pharmacies or well-known polling stations,” reports the Federal Office for Radiation Protection.

In the event of a nuclear emergency, the civil protection agency would disseminate the relevant information through the media. dr Matthias Zähringer refers to the fine network of measuring stations that runs through the EU. “We would know early on if there was any danger,” the expert gave the all-clear.

Swell: “pharmacy magazine“, Federal Office for Radiation ProtectionGerman press agency, “Focus Online“, Consumer Center


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