Do literary prizes influence your reading choices?

Who says back to school says literary back to school. And its share of selections, juries and a prestigious prize for the lucky ones. The opportunity for readers of all ages – especially with the Goncourt high school students – to discover new authors or reconnect with seasoned writers.

The novelists, poets, essayists will, for their part, seduce the greatest number with their prose, their universe, their characters, but above all reap media exposure thanks to this great book mass. The 2022 edition is launched on Wednesday September 7 with the first selections for the Goncourt and Renaudot prizes. What works will follow The most secret memory of men, Mohammad Mbougar Sarr and first blood by Amélie Nothomb?

Do these rewards influence your “bookish” purchases? For what reasons ? Do you have a stack of award-winning books to read? What prices are you most looking forward to? On the contrary, you do not recognize yourself in these distinguished books? You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article. Thanks in advance.

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