Do Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok make presidents?

In our podcast Wait a minute !place to Presidential moment!, our weekly meeting devoted to the presidential election campaign, behind the scenes and its angry questions. After having mentioned the oratorical art of the candidates and their possible manipulations, the financing of the presidential elections, place the Web and social networks in the conquest of power.

Presence online and “in real life”?

In fifteen years, social networks have become essential in political communication. Both in the way of campaigning and of addressing voters. From online messages opposing the 2005 European referendum, to the blogs and forums of candidates Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal in 2007, to the rise of Facebook and Twitter in the early 2010s, communication has become multi-channel.

Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitch, Discord, so many networks, today, to make your voice heard, know your electorate, mobilize activists and citizens. Even if the real influence of social networks on voters remains unquantifiable in the conquest of the Elysée…

What artifices are used by the candidates’ teams?

With the health crisis, is the 2022 campaign mainly played out on social networks? Are social networks oriented? Do they give a bonus to certain candidates? How to explain that the Twitter algorithm favors right-wing speeches, according to a study of the American social network, in October 2021? How does the digital work of the teams and their activists serve and serve the candidate? How do the platforms maintain the rules of the game in the face of robots and the artifices of activists?

We discuss these issues with Stephanie Wojcik, lecturer in information and communication sciences, at the University of Paris-Créteil, specialist in digital politics, online political participation. To listen to it, it’s in the player above.

Wait a minute ! is an original podcast by 20 minutes. You can listen to it on all online listening apps and platformslike apple podcast, Spotify, Deezer Where podcast addict for example. Feel free to rate us and leave a comment on your favorite platform. To write to us: [email protected]

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