Dmitry Medvedev’s mind-blowing predictions for 2023

The former Russian president, a staunch ally of Putin, published on his English-language Twitter account his ten apocalyptic predictions for the year 2023.

But what is playing Dmitry Medvedev ? In yet another provocation, the former Russian president listed his apocalyptic predictions for 2023 on his English-language Twitter account. “Everyone is making predictions right nowhe says in his tweet which has more than 28 million views. Many issuefuturistic hypotheses, as if to find the craziest, even the most absurd.The deputy head of Putin’s Security Advisory Council then proposes “his humble contribution”in the form of ten completely mind-blowing predictions.

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He begins by stating that the price of oil will reach $150 a barrel and the price of gas will exceed $5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters, argues that the United Kingdom will rejoin the European Union, which is expected to collapse after this return. The former president goes so far as to redraw the contours of Europe and assures that Poland and Hungary will occupy the western regions of the former Ukraine. He does not hesitate to evoke the creation of a fourth Reich which “will encompass the territory of Germany and its satellites, namely Poland, the Baltic States, Czechia, Slovakia, the Republic of kyiv and other pariahs”.

Medvedev does not stop there and argues that war will break out between France and Germany leading to the division of Europe. Poland will be divided and Northern Ireland will separate from the United Kingdom to join the Republic of Ireland. The United States will not be outdone since a civil war will lead, in the spirit of Medvedev, to the independence of Texas and California. After this fratricidal conflict, it will be up to Elon Musk, elected President of the United States according to Medvedev, to pick up the pieces. Asia will then become the refuge of major stock markets and financial activities that will leave the United States. The euro and the dollar will cease to circulate as a world reserve after the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary management system.

The former Russian president ends his wild predictions by wishing ‘Happy Holidays to everyone, Anglo-Saxon friends and their merry growling piglets’. Since the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Medvedev, though reputed to be a moderate, has turned into a hawk, multiplying hateful outbursts towards kyiv and Westerners. He has since been quick to describe the conflict in apocalyptic and religious terms, calling the Ukrainians “cockroaches” in language that kyiv openly describes as genocidal.

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