Diversity in Advertising – Careers

SZ: Why do you let a drag queen advertise your products?

Nina Knecht: In our campaigns, we primarily work with partners who have an authentic connection to the subject of shaving. For a drag queen, shaving can be the first important step in transformation. This is the story we want to tell in the campaign with Aria Addams – just like the many other stories and reasons why someone shaves. But it’s not about just showing a drag queen and her connection to shaving in our advertising. In our campaigns we work with many LGBTQIA representatives, currently for example with Riccardo Simonetti as the first male testimonial for the brand or with Phenix, a trans woman. We also do that internationally. For example, a 2019 video from Canada looked at a trans man’s first shave. It is important to us to show the world as diverse as it is. And we always do that where there is a logical connection to the subject of shaving.

SZ: What has changed in recent years that such advertising campaigns are possible today?

In the past few years we have become increasingly involved in the public discourse on the subject of “new masculinity” and we want to depict it in all its facets and help to dissolve stigmatization. That’s why we always work with people from the LGBTQIA community. for example Jochen Schropp, Fabian Hart and Lukas Sauer. With one product, for example, we want to distance ourselves from unrealistic ideals of beauty, show positive role models and, for example, do without skin retouching in pictures. In addition, the LGBTQIA community is happily gaining more visibility in the mainstream, for example in television series. This is another important step.

Nina Knecht relies on authenticity in advertising.

(Photo: Ina Debald / Procter & Gamble)

SZ: Who are you hoping to address? Is that an audience that you weren’t really targeting before?

Our products are there for everyone who wants to shave. We basically want to address everyone. We don’t make any distinctions. But we are of course very happy when the LGBTQIA community feels addressed because they can find themselves in our testimonials.

SZ: How did you actually go looking for a suitable drag queen?

We have a large network that extends into society as a whole. Aria Addams has already used our products and initially showed them on her channel without cooperation and on her own initiative. We started talking and then hired her for the current campaign.

SZ: Do you expect criticism for this campaign?

Drag queens and the entire LGBTQIA community unfortunately still have to fight for equality and recognition in society. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that there will be isolated negative reactions. That just shows how important it is to stand up for diversity and diversity. We are one hundred percent behind our testimonials and are therefore all the more pleased that the reactions are predominantly very positive.

SZ: Have you already had contact with drag?

The topic of diversity is part of our everyday life. One example is the company’s internal GABLE network (Gay, Ally, Bisexual, and Lesbian Employees), which has been campaigning for a diverse and inclusive culture and equality since 1996. Diversity and inclusion days are organized annually in all locations in Germany or participation in the Christopher Street Day in Frankfurt for employees.


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