District of Munich – More toilets for bus drivers – District of Munich

What if the bus driver has to go? At least at the end stops or in places that are intended for rest periods and breaks, there should be toilets that drivers who are traveling in the district for the MV can easily visit, the Greens think. But because the toilets are rare, they have now submitted a motion in the district council to improve the situation for the bus drivers. They call on the administration to work with the bus companies and the MVV to determine where in the district toilets are needed for bus drivers on regional bus lines, what technical options are available for this and what costs the responsible communities would incur as a result. With the expansion of the offer, there are now significantly more buses on more routes. Accordingly, more drivers regularly ask the question: Where is a toilet here? The Greens find the lack of toilets unacceptable. However, the companies could not fall back on public land, which is often required for this purpose. Instead of complex structural systems, the Greens also consider lockable construction site toilets or cooperation with restaurants to be a solution.

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