District of Munich: Kreissparkasse supports initiatives – District of Munich

The Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg Foundation handed over donations totaling 103,120 euros to eleven associations and charitable initiatives in the Munich district. The largest single donation, at 25,000 euros, was for the purchase of a new rescue boat for the Straßlach volunteer fire brigade for operations on the Isar. Thanks to the support of the foundation in the amount of 5000 euros, boxing training to prevent violence can take place at the special educational support center in Unterschleißheim.

The Isar-Amper-Klinikum in Haar is supported with 3500 euros for the patient sports group. The children of the daycare center in Gräfelfing are happy about a new climbing frame in the garden, for which the foundation is making 7600 euros available. The volunteer fire brigade in Hohenschäftlarn receives 8,000 euros for rescue bags and emergency backpacks for first responders, 2,100 euros go to the ecumenical church choir in Oberhaching for a new mixing desk and loudspeakers.

The Licht-Gestalten association will receive 17,500 euros for the new edition of its inclusive concert series, and the Schäftlarner Konzerte association can look forward to 13,220 euros. At the Ernst-Mach-Gymnasium in Haar, the theater project “Sophie Scholl – 100 Years for Freedom” is being supported with 4,500 euros. The integrative kindergarten in Unterhaching receives a donation of 1700 euros for a new mud kitchen. 15,000 euros will go to the neighborhood aid working group, which wants to recruit employees with a poster campaign.

According to the Sparkasse, the distribution pot is also well filled for the current year. Non-profit institutions from the district of Munich can apply for these foundation funds at www.kskmse.de/engagement apply.

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