District of Munich – district administrator sees confidence in democracy shaken – district of Munich

The failure of compulsory vaccination on Thursday in the Bundestag also resonates in the district of Munich. District administrator Christoph Göbel (CSU), himself a clear advocate of general vaccination, is heavily critical of federal politics in view of the outcome of the vote and the negotiations leading up to it. “If a majority in the Bundestag thinks that viruses are no longer dangerous in autumn, then I can only hope that they are right,” said Göbel in his weekly Corona press conference on Friday. The willingness to be vaccinated was “deliberately” destroyed by Parliament through the unworthy process surrounding the obligation to vaccinate. According to the district administrator, the trust of the citizens in parliamentary democracy has been severely damaged – “mine too”.

Right from the start, Göbel spoke out in favor of general vaccination and continues to stand by this attitude: “I’m sticking with it, because it’s about being prepared for the fall.” The aim is to prevent renewed restrictions on public life and an overload of the healthcare system. However, the federal government prevented this because it had not submitted its own proposal for compulsory vaccination. Instead, they only triggered “helpless chaos”. However, Göbel does not shy away from criticizing the entire parliament: Party-political games have been played “across all factions,” including by the Union, which he accuses of a lack of willingness to cooperate.

The infection situation is easing, a summer “without much consideration” is imminent

In the meantime, there is hardly any vaccination against the corona virus in the Munich district. Only 200 to 300 vaccine doses are administered per week. According to department head Ines Neupert, the inactivated vaccine from the manufacturer Novavax, which is hardly used, has become an absolute slow seller. Nevertheless, according to the agreement with the Free State, the three vaccination centers in the district in Haar, Unterschleißheim and Oberhaching will remain open until at least December 31, as District Administrator Göbel explained.

The infection situation in the district is currently losing momentum, the omicron wave seems to be gradually flattening out. In mid-March, almost 3,000 children and young people up to the age of 18 were affected by an infection at the same time, but there are currently only around 200. In the old people’s and nursing homes, the number of infected employees has also fallen significantly to (as of Friday) only 47, the number of infections among residents has remained about the same and is currently 128. However, according to the district administrator, the hospitalization rate is still high and continues to rise slightly, although the number of people being treated in intensive care units is not. The rate is 5.7 in the district and 6.8 throughout Bavaria.

However, the district administrator also assumes that the number of unreported infections is high and expects this to increase in the coming weeks. It can already be observed that the number of corona tests is falling due to the abolition of access restrictions. With a view to the summer, Göbel said there would probably be a time “without much consideration” – meaning: a summer of great freedom. He can see from his own family that the withdrawal of almost all restrictions is still being discussed controversially. “My own son took off the mask with great joy,” said the district administrator. “My other son continues to wear them to class.”

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