District of Munich – Caritas leads welfare organizations – District of Munich

The Caritas of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising has taken over the management of the working group (Arge) of the independent welfare organizations in the district of Munich. Since the beginning of the year, Matthias Hilzensauer has been leading the association of independent sponsors, which includes Caritas, Arbeiterwohlfahrt, the Bavarian Red Cross, the Diocesan Caritas Association, the Diakonie, the Jewish community and the Parity Welfare Association. The change takes place regularly and for two years. In the past two years, the Diakonie has held the chair.

With the merger, the six welfare organizations are committed to a strong social network in the district of Munich. Hilzensauer describes the priorities that will receive particular attention under his chairmanship: “The challenges for society, politics and charities are enormous. The implementation of the Children and Youth Strengthening Act, combating poverty, help for refugees, to name just a few topics and all of this under a magnifying glass of the shortage of skilled workers will challenge us.” The basis of the work is the good cooperation between the independent sponsors and the municipalities and the district office. According to Andrea Betz from the Diakonie, it is important that nobody feels left behind and that the social network in the Munich district is strong.

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