District of Munich – bottom of the training – District of Munich

The chances of becoming a chef in the district of Munich are actually quite good. Statistically, there is only one applicant for almost two registered training positions. Nevertheless, with a training rate of just 3.1 percent, the district of Munich has by far the lowest rate in Bavaria, as can be seen from the district’s latest education report – and there are many reasons for this: Above all, however, is the rate of schoolchildren who pass their Abitur in a wealthy district, well above the Bavarian average. Almost 50 percent of the students in the district acquire the general higher education entrance qualification, in the entire Free State there are only about 28. In communities such as Grünwald and Gräfelfing, the transfer rate from elementary school to high school is even more than 85 percent. Crafts and other specialist professions are inevitably neglected.

Nevertheless, more than 2,000 companies train in the district. However, the interest of applicants is concentrated on a few selected professions. Traditionally, the profession of mechatronics technician is particularly popular with men, and almost 2,000 trainees in the district are learning this profession. Crafts are also popular, in which 34 percent of all trainees work – but only eleven percent of female trainees. Women learn primarily in the so-called liberal professions – for example in health and social services, as a teacher. naturopath or dentist.

Prosperity weighs like a burden on the craft

Compared to 2019, as the education report reveals, the number of applicants for training in the district of Munich has fallen sharply by 14.2 percent – and the jobs reported to the employment agency have also seen a sharp decline within two years there were 400 offers less.

Above all, the prosperity in the district of Munich weighs like a heavy burden on the trades and industry. The shortage of skilled workers is enormous, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for Munich and the region says that there is a shortage of up to 90,000 skilled workers in the Munich district alone. And that in a district that can boast strong labor market figures: 145,665 district citizens work in an employment relationship subject to social security contributions – around 31 percent more than in 2019. There are more than 240,000 jobs subject to social security contributions in the district and almost 80 percent of the employees here commute a. With 116,215 euros per inhabitant, the district has the second highest gross domestic product in Bavaria.

And yet there is a dilemma on the training market, which the training fair in the Realschule Neubiberg on Saturday, May 7, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., wants to counteract.

Gitta Svoboda is the organizer of the training fair in Neubiberg.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

The driving force is Gitta Svoboda, the chairwoman of the association that has been organizing the fair together with the school family for five years. In the beginning there were 16, this year there are 33 well-known companies from the region presenting their training opportunities. They come from the fields of commercial professions and services, tourism and insurance, (IT) technology, mechanical engineering and natural sciences, public service and crafts. Svoboda deliberately does not want to name any exhibitors individually, but promises that global corporations will present themselves as well as small individual companies and public institutions.

Svoboda herself is the managing director of Nunn-Aufzüge in Hohenbrunn and the international personnel consultancy there, Top-Jobs-Europe. Both companies have more inquiries than they can train. As the? “We are known for taking very good care of our trainees, especially at the beginning.” They have to get to know the processes and understand, for example, what customers and suppliers expect. You can feel how after nine months they become more self-confident and increasingly see work that needs to be done on their own. “Then they will soon be running full-time,” says Svoboda. Large companies have developed a training culture, which is also crucial for small and medium-sized companies. You have to show yourself more to find good trainees. It’s no coincidence that every exhibitor at the training fair has free places, she adds.

In particular, she invites pupils in the 8th to 10th grades from all schools in the district to take this opportunity to set the course for the future. Company representatives and trainees give qualified advice from practice in personal discussions. Impulse lectures provide information about the right appearance at the job interview (11.15 a.m.), the decision “training or FOS?” (11.45 a.m.) and “Assessment Center – What can I expect and how do I prepare?” (12:30 p.m.). As a topic special, a representative of the Bavarian training offensive will give a lecture at 1.45 p.m. on “Career prospects in the metal and electrical industry”. Of course, parents can also come and get answers to burning questions. More information, schedule and program at www.clever-azubi.com.

Fifth training fair 2022 Neubiberg, Saturday, May 7, from 11 a.m. to around 4 p.m., State Realschule Neubiberg, Buchenstraße 4, Neubiberg

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