District court Ebersberg – Expensive return to school – Ebersberg

Usually young people are very happy when school is finally over and they no longer have to kill the time in the dreary school yard. Not so apparently two young men from the district of Ebersberg, who – although standing with both legs in professional life – have been hanging around the grounds of the Grafingen Johann-Comenius-Schule and have now even ended up in court for it. To make matters worse, the police caught both of them with drugs a little later.

In fact, the signs in the playground of the special education center are unmistakable: If you don’t go to school here, you have no business on the premises, you can read it there accordingly. A 21-year-old and his 19-year-old buddy apparently simply ignored this ban in July last year. Together with other young people, they passed their time in the schoolyard until the police finally came and expelled the group from the premises. The school sponsor then filed a complaint against the young men for trespassing. Among other things, two of them now had to answer before the Ebersberg District Court. But the two were in even more trouble, as they were independently caught with small amounts of marijuana in their pockets earlier this year. The 21-year-old had around 3.5 grams with him, his friend just under a gram – in addition to trespassing, there was also the unauthorized possession of narcotics.

Compared to juvenile judge Dieter Kaltbeitzer, the two immediately admitted the allegations and then tried to make explanations: One of the defendants stated that he needed the drugs to be able to sleep better. He suffers from a nervous disorder and marijuana is the only remedy that works against it. “I don’t want to use the drugs for fun at all,” said the 21-year-old in court. Sleeping pill or not, if he doesn’t have a prescription for it, possession of narcotics is punishable, the judge replied. “As long as you don’t have a doctor’s prescription for it, you should refrain from doing it,” said Kaltbeitzer.

This also applies to floating around on private property. The two defendants justified why they made themselves comfortable in the playground of the Grafingen school with the weather. It rained that day and the area was just covered. “In retrospect, that was stupid of us. We didn’t think about it,” said the 19-year-old, who, like his buddy, apologized for his misconduct.

Admittedly, that was not enough to avoid a sanction – especially since both of them already had a relevant criminal record. The educational registers of the young men showed a large number of entries, from comparatively minor offenses such as fare dodging to incitement to hatred. In this respect, it is not so self-evident that both can avoid youth arrest again, as judge Kaltbeitzer said. Ultimately, however, the chairman was convinced by the statements of the youth court assistance, which attested both defendants delayed maturity, but also a favorable social prognosis. The 21-year-old only has to provide social services for five days, while his 19-year-old friend has to pay 400 euros to the Ebersberg district bridge. Both defendants accepted the verdict in the courtroom.


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