Dispute over TV duel: Why you don’t need to unmask Höcke – media

The dispute over how right-wing extremism in general and the AfD in particular should be dealt with journalistically and in public discourse is becoming louder and sharper. This also, but not only, has to do with the state elections in Brandenburg, Thuringia and Saxony in September. In all three countries, the right-wing extremist party is polling above or close to the 30 percent mark; The new coalition governments in Potsdam, Erfurt and Dresden will have to be primarily anti-AfD governments. Around a third of those eligible to vote in each of these federal states apparently want to vote for a right-wing extremist party – because they want to protest against the policies and parties of the federal government, because they feel they have been treated unfairly, because they think almost everything is shit anyway, because they are “right-wing ” or “left” doesn’t matter, or because they are actually ethnic nationalists.

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