Dispute about the obligation to leave the country: Djokovic is said to have been infected in December

Status: 08.01.2022 10:47 a.m.

A coronavirus infection in December is said to be the reason for the special permit for tennis star Djokovic to enter Australia. His lawyers presented documents for this. Can he compete in the Australian Open?

His lawyers have presented new documents in the dispute over the threatened departure obligation of the tennis player Novak Djokovic from Australia. Accordingly, the 34-year-old was recently infected again with the corona virus. A first positive PCR test was dated December 16, the documents said. The infection was without symptoms.

This is also the reason for the exception issued by the organizers of the Australian Open from the corona vaccination certificate when entering Australia, the lawyers say. Before the trip, Djokovic had received a written statement from the Australian immigration authorities.

From the airport to the deportation center

Djokovic landed in Melbourne on Wednesday evening. When entering the country, the exemption was not recognized at the airport. The visa for Australia was canceled due to a lack of proof of vaccination and the Serb was taken to a hotel for people obliged to leave the country. He takes legal action against his impending compulsory departure. The hearing is scheduled for Monday.

According to his lawyers, the tennis star has requested his move out of the facility so he can train for the Australian Open. These start on January 17th. He’s the defending champion.

First infection in summer 2020

Djokovic does not make his vaccination status public and has repeatedly expressed himself critical of corona vaccinations.

The world number one had already tested positive for the corona virus in June 2020. At that time, Djokovic himself made the result public.

Supporters Novak Djokovics demonstrate in Melbourne against the deportation of the tennis player.

Image: AP

Isolation from the coronavirus

Australia has long tried to prevent the spread of the coronavirus through closed borders and strict lockdown measures. The omicron variant is now spreading. More than 96,000 new infections were registered within one day.

Vaccination refusals lose their jobs in the state of Victoria, employers have to pay heavy fines if they employ unvaccinated people. About 90 percent of Australians over the age of 16 have been vaccinated at least twice.

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