Disfigured by cosmetic surgery, Linda Evangelista no longer wants to hide

A few months ago, Linda Evangelista revealed that she had been disfigured by a cosmetic surgery procedure known as CoolSculpting. Developed by Zeltiq, a subsidiary of Allergan, this non-invasive cryoliposis process aims to kill fat cells with cold. However, in the case of the supermodel, the intervention, which dates back to 2016, had the opposite effect.

The former catwalk star ended up with protruding pockets of fat in treated rights, especially in the arms and cheeks. But after years spent in hiding, Linda Evangelista has decided to stop being overwhelmed by shame, and, above all, to denounce what happened to her in broad daylight. “Why do we feel the need to do these things (to our bodies)? I always knew I was going to grow old. And I know that there are things that happen to the body. But I didn’t think I was going to look like this,” she told the magazine. People whose cover she occupies.


“I don’t recognize myself physically, and I don’t recognize myself as a person either,” continued the former podium star. And sadly, there is no way to go back. Neither diet nor sports practice can overcome these pockets of fat, not even liposuction.

So if Linda Evangelista reveals her ordeal in broad daylight, it is not only to support women who are in the same situation as her, but also to warn against this side effect known as Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia (PAH ). “I hope I can let go of some of the shame I feel and help other people who are in the same situation as me. That’s my goal,” she concluded.

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