Disfigured “because of her outfit”, Anissa testifies on social networks

A night that she will unfortunately never be able to forget as her face will be marked for life. Anissa, a 19-year-old young woman, was assaulted on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday with her boyfriend in Toulouse by a group of young minors who considered that her outfit was not suitable. Fight, shards of bottles hit in the face, etc. The young Toulouse girl is taken to the emergency room when the police arrive. It will take more than 50 stitches to close the wounds barring his face, his arms or his back.

Two days after her attack, the young woman spoke on social networks: “I am the 19-year-old woman and I want to thank you all for this wave of support after this tragedy”, she wrote in a tweet, before posting the unbearable photos of her scars.

Anissa also said she had a broken nose in addition to the scars that dot her body. And the young woman explained that she wanted to react after this extremely violent altercation, hoping, she said again, that her attackers “will get what he deserves”. Following this attack, a nine-day ITT was issued to him. His companion was, meanwhile, delivered three days of ITT.

A kitty has been launched to help the young woman

After their referral to the prosecution, the three young attackers, two boys and a girl aged 14 to 17, were placed under judicial supervision, the prosecution said on Friday. The 17-year-old main attacker has been jailed until her appearance in juvenile court on August 17. According to the various victims, the heads of prevention retained are those of “violence in a meeting, in a state of intoxication, with a weapon without ITT or having resulted in an ITT and for one of them greater than 9 days”, adds in his press release, the public prosecutor Samuel Vuelta-Simon.

The young woman’s family has opened a kitty to help her with her legal and medical procedures after her assault.

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